Get a Cebu Pacific voucher for as low as 99 Pesos at their promo for 10.10 2022.
These vouchers sells for 99 Pesos and will serve as your BASE FARE for domestic flights starting October 17, 2022 up to November 30, 2023. Yes, once you purchase your Super Pass, you can use them as your cheap ticket for any Cebu Pacific Air or CEBGO domestic flight.
You can purchase the CEB Super Pass at and look for the CEB Super Pass Banner. You can purchase all the vouchers you want, but you can transact 10 vouchers at a time. Start buying these 99 Pesos vouchers starting October 10 to 13, 2022.

You can redeem these vouchers at the same Cebu Pacific Air website. Terms and conditions plus Seat availabity apply.
Redemption period is from October 10, 2022 up to November 23, 2023. You can redeem these CEB super pass as early as 30 days before your desired flight or as even as 7 days before your flight.
Get these vouchers and get to relax for you don’t need to wait for the next cheap promo fare or even a PISO FARE for you got a “99 Pesos BASE FARE” ticket already in the bag and can use it any time you want within the travel period.
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