Here now are the details for the Cebu Pacific Air International Seat Sale promo for the months of June, July, August and September.
This is a SNAP SALE, thus you need to book fast for tickets will be available for today only, MAY 29, 2019. Travel period is from June 15 to September 30,2019.
You can book low fare to Cebu Pacific international destinations like Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, South Korea and Tokyo Japan!!

982 Pesos
Cebu or Iloilo to Singapore
999 Pesos
Cebu to Hong Kong
Clark to Hong Kong, Macau, or Tokyo (Narita)
Iloilo to Hong Kong
1,014 Pesos
Kalibo to Incheon South Korea
Rates are for the BASE FARE of a single trip promo ticket only. Other fees and taxes apply.
Best if you can book online for it is faster to look for dates that still carry promo tickets there. We did a sample booking there and look at what we’ve found:

The promo is real, we got a promo ticket with BASE FARE of 982 Pesos for Cebu to Singapore!!
This is one day sale, so better book fast mga readers.!!
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